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Welcome to Toyota's 2023



Welcome to Compliance & Ethics Week 2023! This year, our theme is Inspired by Values, United in Actions. Toyota aspires to realize the vision of Creating Mobility for All and the mission of Producing Happiness for All.  The Toyota Way core values inspire our work, our interactions, and the way in which we achieve these goals and bring value to the world.  Aligning our Actions to these guiding Values can help unite us to build a strong foundation as we navigate the demands of a rapidly changing mobility market. 

We have an exciting week of learning planned to ensure that you know the people, processes, and tools available to support you in your daily work.  Click through the five days below to see information on things such as ethics and conflicts of interest, TMNA’s Code of Conduct, the Speak Up Line resource, our leadership’s commitment, Toyota’s values in action, and other resources that can be used when you see an issue or have questions. Be sure to take each day’s quiz to put your knowledge to the test and you will be entered to win some of these great prizes.*

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At Toyota, integrity is both our responsibility as a corporate citizen and the key to the company's success and long-term sustainability. We aspire to the highest standards of ethical behavior in order to lead by example and be a positive influence in the global community we serve.

As Toyota team members, we have an obligation to ourselves, our company, our business partners, and our customers to demonstrate the highest level of integrity. It is not just what we do that counts, but how we do it. Our customers' trust is not given but earned, so it is critical that we strive to gain their trust every day.

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It’s imperative that all team members understand the importance of the TMNA Ethics & Conflicts of Interest Policy and exercise good judgment in the performance of their duties. This includes avoiding any potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.  The policy provides guidance and expectations for team members.


Below you will find some of the more common potential conflicts of interest that may require disclosure.


  • GIFTS & HOSPITALITY (Meals, Travel, Event Tickets, Entertainment, etc.)
  • INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (Negotiated Transactions, Financial Interests, Speaking Engagement, Board of Directors, etc.)
When in doubt, it is best to disclose. 


For any situation that seems unclear or that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should contact your supervisor, Human Resources Business Advisor (“HRBA”)/Team Member Relations Representative (TMR), a member of Compliance & Audit, or send an e-mail to Ethics_Officer@toyota.com. You can also use the Toyota Speak Up Line by calling (844) SPEAK-99 or submit online at www.toyota.ethicspoint.com. Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the option to remain anonymous.  


Compliance resource links: 

Day 1 Question

The Code of Conduct incorporates the Guiding Principles as well as Toyota’s Values. Take time to become familiar with this document, as it is our launching point to be Inspired by Values, Aligned in Actions.

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The Code of Conduct is our blueprint for living out the Toyota Philosophy by conducting ourselves in a manner that allows us to successfully serve our customers and achieve our goals the right way. It helps us make decisions and act in ways that are ethical, legal, and consistent with Toyota’s values. How we do things matters as much as what we do.


Who Must Follow the Code?

The Code of Conduct applies to all team members, officers, and members of the Board of Directors. 

Code of Conduct Overview: 

  • Section 1 – Achieving our goals
    • We strive for the safety and satisfaction of our customers every day, working to continuously improve what we deliver.
  • Section 2 – Leading the Way
    • We value our fellow team members.
  • Section 3 – Growing together
    • We build relationships based on trust.
  • Section 4 – Doing the right thing
    • We act with integrity and keep our promises.
  • Section 5 – Making an impact
    • We embrace our role and responsibilities as a corporate citizen.
  • Section 6 – Together, we will succeed
    • We work together as a team. 

The Code of Conduct of Conduct is available on My Toolbox or kiosks located within the manufacturing sites. 

Day 2 Question

See Something, Say Something!

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As you learned during the first two days of Compliance & Ethics Week, Toyota’s culture is Inspired by Values Aligned in Actions. 

Recently, some automotive manufacturers operating in the United States have been exposed as having child laborers working for their suppliers. Toyota has very strict policies regarding age restrictions for workers in our manufacturing facilities.  

At Toyota, we want to combat this issue and work proactively to prevent the problem, which is why we need your help. If you see something that doesn’t seem to align with our values and policies, please take the initiative to say something. If you would like to learn more on Child Labor, click here. 

Even the best workplaces are not perfect, and that’s where YOU play an important role. Every day, every Toyota team member contributes to making our workplace a more honest, safe, and ethical environment. Each time we identify a problem or a defect in our work, we have an opportunity to make things better for everyone. When we take the time to stop, reflect on the current situation, and collaborate across boundaries we can often find a solution. 

So, if you see something that makes you uncomfortable or doesn’t feel quite right, Speak Up! Call the Toyota Speak Up Line (1-844-SPEAK-99) or submit online at www.toyota.ethicspoint.com. Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the option to remain anonymous. 


The Compliance & Audit team works diligently, along with partners in HR, TL1, and other necessary parties, to thoroughly investigate each situation or question raised, and help find the best result for everyone involved. 

Do you ever wonder what happens when you report a concern to the company? Here is a video that helps explain the process. Respect for People – What Happens if I Report?

“It is our responsibility as Team Members to raise concerns to help the Company get better. We are the stewards of Toyota’s culture and values and need to speak up when those values are not being honored.”

Day 3 Question

Toyota Leadership Stands with You

Compliance is everyone’s responsibility, regardless of title or job level. We all play an important role in creating the environment that enables us to make the right decisions and carry out ethical and compliant actions every day. By doing so, we reinforce TMNA’s strong culture of compliance and contribute to a positive and respectful work environment. It is important that every team member prioritizes Respect for People as it is truly part of our DNA and embedded in everything we do. You are vital to the success of Toyota!


"Integrity is at the core of everything we do at Toyota. Inspired by shared values, we stand united in actions, shaping our future through innovation and excellence creating a positive impact on the world around us.”

Being Inspired by Values, Aligned in Actions is nothing new for Toyota. TMNA’s Compliance & Audit division is another resource that you can leverage. Our leadership team is here to support you to ensure a best-in-class culture of compliance across North America, as we work to meet the demands of a rapidly changing mobility market.

Who is Compliance and Audit?

Compliance & Audit is led by Jacqueline Thomas, Chief Compliance Officer. The team is primarily based in Plano but has team members across North America. Their expertise spans not only corporate compliance and ethics, but they also specialize in risk areas relevant to TMNA’s business and our transformation efforts. Some of the areas they can provide guidance on include:

  • Compliance Strategy and Risk Management
  • Customs and Trade Compliance
  • Environmental, HazMat, & Safety; Office of Privacy; Cybersecurity & Mobility Compliance
  • Internal Audit

If you are interested in learning about Compliance & Audit’s Vision, Mission, and Priorities, please visit the Compliance & Audit Homepage.

Day 4 Question

The Ten Values of the Toyota Way inspire us to be our best. These values guide us, but it is our actions that determine our path. When our actions align with our values, we will continue to Get Better and Better. Take time to think about your actions and leverage your Compliance & Audit resources if you ever have a question. When we act in an ethical manner and prioritize a strong culture of compliance, our growth potential is unlimited, and we can contribute to Toyota’s future success!

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Toyota’s values support Respect for People and Continuous Improvement. We are wrapping up Compliance & Ethics week by reviewing the Ten Values of the Toyota Way that guide our work and our interactions with others. 


  1. ACT FOR OTHERS We strive to keep the perspectives of our customers and stakeholders at the core of our efforts every day. Putting ourselves in others’ positions, we go beyond the impossible. 
  2. WORK WITH INTEGRITY We always consider where today’s work should take us and how it impacts those around us. We forge a path to our objective with integrity and honesty. 
  3. DRIVE CURIOSITY Taking a personal interest in everything, we ask questions to discover the mechanics behind phenomena. This mindset generates new ideas. 
  4. OBSERVE THOROUGHLY Humans sense things instinctively in ways that machines can’t. We bring together hard data while personally seeing, feeling, and interpreting the situation, and exercising Genchi Genbutsu to discover the most creative and best solutions quickly. 
  5. GET BETTER AND BETTER Today, and every day, we take ownership to sharpen the skills of ourselves and each other with heart, mind, and body to meet the evolving needs of our customers. 
  6. CONTINUE THE QUEST FOR IMPROVEMENT We believe in the natural ability of people to change things for the better. Every improvement, regardless of size, is valuable. Encouraging both incremental and breakthrough innovative thinking, we seek to evolve with Kaizen, never accepting the status quo. 
  7. CREATE ROOM TO GROW Focusing on what’s essential, we eliminate waste and manage our resources carefully to create room to grow. This is the foundation for agility and the cultivation of new ideas for the future. 
  8. WELCOME COMPETITION We welcome competition, without ego. It pushes us to improve and better serve our customers and society, creating more value and a better experience. 
  9. SHOW RESPECT FOR PEOPLE No work is solitary. No job is a one-person endeavor. We make the most of diverse perspectives, turning differences into fortitude as one team. With a fundamental respect for people, we create an environment where all feel welcome, safe, and heard, and everyone can contribute their best toward meaningful goals. 
  10. THANK PEOPLE We owe our existence to our customers, members, partners, stakeholders, and communities. We say “Thank You” to everyone we encounter today. 


If you are interested in learning more about the Ten Values of the Toyota Way and seeing application examples, please click here: Ten Values of the Toyota Way.

Day 5 Question


Inspired by Values United in Actions

*While supplies last. Quiz submissions enter you into a drawing for prize giveaways. Your Compliance & Audit team will randomly choose winners and will contact the winners following each site’s Compliance & Ethics Week.