
Welcome to
the 2023 TOYOTA

Compliance &
Ethics Week


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam condimentum quam quis est elementum porttitor. Nunc enim nunc, mattis sed sapien et, finibus euismod nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent molestie ex sagittis, commodo nisi vitae, semper ipsum.

At Toyota, integrity is both our responsibility as a corporate citizen and the key to the company's success and long-term sustainability. We aspire to the highest standards of ethical behavior in order to lead by example and be a positive influence in the global community we serve.

As Toyota team members, we have an obligation to ourselves, our company, our business partners, and our customers to demonstrate the highest level of integrity. It is not just what we do that counts, but how we do it. Our customers' trust is not given but earned, so it is critical that we strive to gain their trust every day.

Girl in a jacket

It’s imperative that all team members understand the importance of the TMNA Ethics & Conflicts of Interest Policy and exercise good judgment in the performance of their duties. This includes avoiding any potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.  The policy provides guidance and expectations for team members. Below you will find some of the more common potential conflicts of interest that may require disclosure.
  • GIFTS & HOSPITALITY (Meals, Travel, Event Tickets, Entertainment, etc.)
  • INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (Negotiated Transactions, Financial Interests, Speaking Engagement, Board of Directors, etc.)
When in doubt, it is best to disclose.

For any situation that seems unclear or that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should contact your supervisor, Human Resources Business Advisor (“HRBA”)/Team Member Relations Representative (TMR), a member of Compliance & Audit, or send an e-mail to Ethics_Officer@toyota.com. You can also use the Toyota Speak Up Line by calling (844) SPEAK-99 or submit online at www.toyota.ethicspoint.com. Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the option to remain anonymous. 

Compliance resource links: 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tempus dolor in eros consequat, nec consectetur arcu scelerisque. Sed laoreet, tortor vitae finibus luctus, felis massa aliquet lectus, id auctor enim odio id leo. Sed semper dui sed urna ornare, sed tincidunt velit posuere. Vivamus commodo facilisis maximus.

Sed leo velit, ultrices vitae massa quis, ornare maximus arcu. Quisque nibh augue, faucibus quis leo vitae, consectetur laoreet ex. Integer sit amet eros velit. Curabitur sagittis diam fermentum maximus facilisis. Duis ultricies sapien ut vehicula tempor. Suspendisse in scelerisque orci, ac fermentum ipsum. Nulla aliquet sapien ut purus eleifend rutrum. Proin auctor, lorem quis suscipit rhoncus, orci lectus finibus magna, sed pellentesque eros orci luctus nibh. Vivamus at elit sagittis, gravida arcu eget, hendrerit nunc. Phasellus sit amet ornare est.

Girl in a jacket

Etiam suscipit orci non auctor sagittis. Aliquam placerat, quam sed aliquet condimentum, ipsum dui convallis erat, a vulputate purus ante quis ante. Maecenas vulputate ullamcorper erat, quis lacinia purus tempus at. Aliquam maximus turpis ac lacus sollicitudin fringilla.
  • GIFTS & HOSPITALITY (Meals, Travel, Event Tickets, Entertainment, etc.)
  • INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (Negotiated Transactions, Financial Interests, Speaking Engagement, Board of Directors, etc.)
Aenean finibus feugiat pellentesque. Nunc eget elit eget metus aliquet pulvinar vitae at ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas at nunc quis metus blandit congue et quis metus. Etiam eget mauris mi. Nulla facilisi.

Day One Quiz

Math quiz helps us to increase our knowledge

Why are we asking for your Workday ID? Because we want to make sure you get credit for completing this compliance training.




Your score is


Inspired by Values Aligned in Actions

*While supplies last. Quiz submissions enter you into a drawing for prize giveaways. Your Compliance & Audit team will randomly choose winners and will contact the winners following each site’s Compliance & Ethics Week.